Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 3

Friday morning, I woke to the alarm on my phone. I was quick to get through my morning routine and be dressed to ride. We shared a continental breakfast at the hotel lobby and then had to figure out what to do. After flipping through the pamphlet, we decided to try out the “Jasper Disaster” … Continue reading “Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 3”

Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 2

The images below are the relevant pages of the pamphlet that originally drew our focus to Harrison, Arkansas. The quality is lower because this is the same copy that was on our trip. It was folded and flipped through numerous times. I’m impressed that it made it this long. Lost the images, but here are … Continue reading “Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 2”

Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 1 – Hiatt’s Counterpoint

I wanted to add a couple items.  The planning section for where Hogan and I went to was a little bit of a battle.  Hogan didn’t want to be land locked to a state and I knew Arkansas had some great roads.  The quest was to have a happy medium between adventure and just logging miles to log … Continue reading “Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 1 – Hiatt’s Counterpoint”

Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 1

Notes from my motorcycle trip with Hiatt. I made a logo, but never got shirts made. Technically I should have included Kansas as he lives there, but its still funny for us! Its Thursday, May 5th and my bags are packed. I kissed the wife and kids goodbye and took off for work. This was … Continue reading “Arkansas Motorcycle Trip Part 1”

Brian and Kelly’s Wedding – 4/30/2011

The wedding day came for Brian and Kelly (April 30, 2011). Danelle and Sonora were both in the wedding part. Danelle as a bride’s maid and Sonora as the flower girl. The day was quite sunny and perfect for a wedding. I was busy entertaining kids before the big event. The wedding Mass was held … Continue reading “Brian and Kelly’s Wedding – 4/30/2011”

4.29 – Brian and Kelly Rehersal

My brother in law, Brian got married earlier this year. Because we’re close family and Danelle and Sonora are in the wedding, we got to participate in the rehearsal. After the church portion, we went out to dinner. I think there may have been something strange in the water. Look at the girl’s faces… The … Continue reading “4.29 – Brian and Kelly Rehersal”