8/1/2020 – Last Training Run

With the MR340 just days away, we still wanted a final training run to make sure everything was working correctly. We put the boat in at Weldon Springs headed back to Blanchette access just past the finish line. I stopped paddling for a second to shoot this as we were coming into the Page bridge. … Continue reading “8/1/2020 – Last Training Run”

Grandma Carol and Corvin Birthday Bash – 10/20/2019

We celebrate birthdays in groups at the extended family level. Its an excuse to get together and enjoy our lives together. Today we’re celebrating Grandma Carol and Corvin’s birthdays. Corvin and Grandma Carol And of course, other family silliness. Hogan (me) and Mark.   Brian and Kelly Grandpa Henry, Corvin, and Sonora Sonora before she … Continue reading “Grandma Carol and Corvin Birthday Bash – 10/20/2019”

Texas Water Safari and Me – 6/9/2018

I’ve been interested in canoe racing for several years. Before the 2018 Texas Water Safari (TWS), I had previously paddled in the Missouri River 340 (MR340) 5 different times. From this experience, I believe I knew what paddling ultra marathons were all about. I wanted to add some other large races to ones I have … Continue reading “Texas Water Safari and Me – 6/9/2018”

Missouri River 340 Race – 2016

Hogan Haake and Jo Newbold are participating in Mixed Tandem for the MR340 race this year. They start at 8 am Tuesday July 19th, 2016. They are listed as boat #0306, team “Donut & Maple Syrup”. The team name comes from their respective nutrition needs. Hogan prefers good old fashioned junk food, but always donuts … Continue reading “Missouri River 340 Race – 2016”