Journey to Argentina, Day 5 – 12/27/2024

My day started at 5:45 worrying if I would miss my alarm. I got up and made coffee, cleaned up, and wrote about our trip. Then 7:45 came and we met Coty’s family. We were on the road by 8am. Its interesting and extremely helpful to follow somebody who kows where they are going and … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 5 – 12/27/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 4 – 12/26/2024

Do Argentine people ever sleep? We started off the morning with a quick breakfast at our place with supplies provided the night before. We had a bit of a slow start, but met Coty and family before setting out around 10 am. Coty took us to the center of San Juan to visit some cultural … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 4 – 12/26/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 3 – 12/25/2024

Christmas Day and the alarm goes off at 5:56am. Today, we have another plane to catch. The plan was to meet the kids in the kitchen area of the hotel at 6:40am. We were down by 6:30 waiting for Corvin and Sonora. Corvin arrived at 6:41 without Sonora. He started eating breakfast and Sonora was … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 3 – 12/25/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 2 – 12/24/2024

What can I tell you about a 10 hour flight? It was freaking long. I watched a whole movie and still had time to play games and get horrible sleep in my nearly upright seat. We were in the very back again. The flight attendants had lights in their work area and used the 3 … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 2 – 12/24/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 1 – 12/23/2024

This morning came fast. We still had packing to do for our trip to Argentina and wanted to prepare the house so it wouldn’t be a complete mess when we got come. By 11:20am we had it all together and took bags out to the car. Ryan was walking up the street just on time … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 1 – 12/23/2024”

Sonora To College – 8/27/2024

Today we took our second and youngest child, Sonora, off to college. She is enrolled at Missouri State University. Danelle and I met there, so it was a bit of a homecoming for us even if the campus is quite visit from when we went. Her roommate, Hannah, had already moved in. We were taking … Continue reading “Sonora To College – 8/27/2024”

Corvin Week – 8/24/2024

Corvin has been involved in his school’s triathlon club for two years now. He loves the challenge and the competition. He decided that he wanted to do an Iron Man. Unfortunately there were a few things going against him for competing his own Iron Man. First the entry starts at $900 for the cheapest one. … Continue reading “Corvin Week – 8/24/2024”

Front And Back Porch – 12/13/204

With the cold weather of winter setting in I find myself not wanting to spend a full day out at the property. I do have a generator to run the heater and a propane heater as well. I don’t like the noise all day of them running. Today, I used my lunch break to drive … Continue reading “Front And Back Porch – 12/13/204”

Sunset Paddle – 8/21/2024

We’ve started getting involved in the Mississippi River Water Trail. Today, they were hosting a sunset paddle leaving from Piasa harbor. I drove up from St. Louis with a canoe. I brought dinner as a surprise for Danelle. Unfortunately it was too much of a surprise. She was later than me and we didn’t have … Continue reading “Sunset Paddle – 8/21/2024”