Living Lands And Waters Barge – 8/29/2024

Danelle went to a Mississippi River Water Trail Association meeting on the educational barge belonging to Living Lands and Waters. These two groups are true powerhouses in education and stewardship of the Mississippi River! The barge was parked just downstream of the Mel Price Lock and Dam in Alton. One highlight of the event was … Continue reading “Living Lands And Waters Barge – 8/29/2024”

Early Morning with the Birds – 9/18 & 9/26/2023

My family and friends may not know this about me, but I love birds. I spent the early morning hours of several days in September looking for all of the amazing birds that are migrating through the St. Louis area. Oh, in case you didn’t figure it out yet, this is Danelle, not Hogan 🙂 … Continue reading “Early Morning with the Birds – 9/18 & 9/26/2023”

Dresser Island Paddle – 5/4/2023

We saw an open invitation by adventure extraordinaire and friend, Dan Strieker to come out and paddle Dresser Island. Dan often goes off on paddling adventures and posts them out to Facebook. I didn’t want to be left out this time and it sounded awesome. Danelle was able to come with me. Dan was there … Continue reading “Dresser Island Paddle – 5/4/2023”

Chicago Conference – 12/11/2022

I had a work trip to Chicago to attend the AGU 2022 conference. (Since this is about a work conference, you can tell this is Danelle posting and not Hogan!) AGU is the American Geophysical Union – a group that includes anyone who studies water, soil, rocks, air, or space. The event was attended by … Continue reading “Chicago Conference – 12/11/2022”

Sangamon Double Weekend – 8/13/2022

Part of Danelle’s work at NGRREC is research. (I know the description following won’t be totally accurate) One of her current research projects is a 10 year study of fresh water mussels. This study was put together with dedicated volunteers passionate about this subject along with professional experts on the subject. I was lucky enough … Continue reading “Sangamon Double Weekend – 8/13/2022”