Sunset Race Scouting – 2/10/2021

I’ve been running a monthly paddling series that started in December 2008. We paddle every month year round. If you’re curious about our events, check us out. or (scroll to the last post) Anyway, Danelle and I went out to the river the day before the Sunset Race due to the extreme cold … Continue reading “Sunset Race Scouting – 2/10/2021”

Sunset Race with Sonora – 9/10/2020

My monthly Sunset Race has an ever changing cast of characters. This month we had two boats. Sonora and I in our Grumman and Eric. But unlike other months, we had ground crew??? Basically, Melissa and Danelle came out to drink beer at the ramp and hang out while we paddled 🙂 I’m just about … Continue reading “Sunset Race with Sonora – 9/10/2020”