Clearing the Orchard – 12/3/2023

We’ve decided to put an orchard on the property where we are building the house. We won’t be planting any trees until we get water to the property, but there is plenty of brush clearing to do until then. There is also a large branch on an oak tree that reaches into the orchard area … Continue reading “Clearing the Orchard – 12/3/2023”

Stakes in the ground – 10/26/2023

Danelle and I have been trying to build our dream home on some land we purchased a few years ago. We’ve had a plan and its finally time to execute the plan. As soon as both kids are out of the house, we can move. This allows them to finish school without having to make … Continue reading “Stakes in the ground – 10/26/2023”

Danforth Fire – 10/20/2023

Going up to Danforth is usually a decent amount of work. But we reward ourselves with big fires from all of the work we accomplish. Today, we had some interesting fire. First off, it was bigger than normal. Sonora enjoyed helping out using the leaf blower to make the flames bigger! Danelle watched on wondering … Continue reading “Danforth Fire – 10/20/2023”