Henry Boeckmann’s Funeral – 7/16/2024

I had previously posted the obituary of my father in law Henry Boeckmann. Today was his funeral. Brian and Kelly getting ready. A small sample of his art and some of his history. It was a somber day, so I didn’t get many photos. We saw a ton of people from his life come in … Continue reading “Henry Boeckmann’s Funeral – 7/16/2024”

Family Reunion – 6/22/2024

For every even year since I was born and for many more before that, the Meiners-Hodes family reunion has been going on in Kansas City. There are over 4000 living descendants of Katherine Hodes and Henry Meiners.  This newspaper clipping is from the KC Times 6/29/1970 to put this event in perspective. Since I got … Continue reading “Family Reunion – 6/22/2024”

Sonora’s High School Graduation – 5/18/2024

The day is finally here and Sonora is at her final official high school activity as a student. She invited lots of family, but being out of town only a few showed up. Her friend Tania showed up and they rode together to the ceremony! We arrived at St. Louis University’s arena and found or … Continue reading “Sonora’s High School Graduation – 5/18/2024”

President’s Day Weekend in KC – 2/16/2024

Danelle and Sonora had a 4 day weekend from school and work. I decided to take a day off and have a whole family four day weekend. We tried to think of what we could do beyond just hanging out at the house. I had heard that dad could use some companionship and we decided … Continue reading “President’s Day Weekend in KC – 2/16/2024”

Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023

We decided to celebrate Christmas in Kansas City this year. Dad’s house was full, so we elected to stay at Hannah’s house. We came into town Friday evening. We spent some time getting settled and playing with Hannah’s cats. Saturday morning came around and we hung around the house until we went out for an … Continue reading “Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023”

Kansas City Visit – 12/2/2024

Christmas is coming up and I promised my sister, Hannah, that I would work on some plumbing and electrical issues at her house while I stayed there. I knew the visit would be limited in time, so I thought a scouting visit would be a great idea. Lucky for me, Danelle and Sonora joined me … Continue reading “Kansas City Visit – 12/2/2024”

Dad Week – 7/7/2023

Dad had open heart surgery a few weeks ago. After his surgery, he went to residential care where they took care of him around the clock. Once he was cleared from residential care, he was going back home. It just happened that my sisters were both on vacation that same week. Nobody was going to … Continue reading “Dad Week – 7/7/2023”