Danforth With Danelle’s Parents – 3/30/2024

We decided to take Danelle’s parents out to the property for the day. First stop was to Duke’s Bakery. We got a photo of them at the sign just outside the bakery. With donuts and fond memories, we headed out to the property. The weather was perfect today. We parked ourselves in chairs and proceeded … Continue reading “Danforth With Danelle’s Parents – 3/30/2024”

Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/4/2024

I’m in my mid forties and I already don’t care too much for my birthday. Not because I’m getting older, but because I’ve already had enough of them. Okay, really cause I have all the stuff that I want. Online shopping has made it too simple to just order whatever you want and have it … Continue reading “Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/4/2024”

Bowling – 1/15/2024

We were looking for something to do together on a  cold winter day. Our best idea was bowling. To up the ante, we invited Danelle’s parents, Carol and Henry. They had Mark over and we brought them along as well. The whole crew of intrepid bowlers sans myself taking the photo. No worries, my selfie … Continue reading “Bowling – 1/15/2024”

December – 2023

We were thrilled to have Corvin home for winter break. With it being his second year of college and not having Coty around, the time with him was more precious. He didn’t waste any time getting cozy. It also appears the cats missed him too! Henry and Carol got in on the cat love as … Continue reading “December – 2023”

Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/5/2023

We’ve been wanting to get Danelle’s parents out to Danforth to hang out with us for a while. We used her dad’s birthday and decent weather as an excuse. We started off by taking them to Panera for lunch. They don’t go out much and this has become their favorite place to eat (when we … Continue reading “Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/5/2023”

Christmas Eve in St. Louis – 12/24/2022

Nothing like the holidays for pushing you to do the most possible in the least amount of time. Okay, we had a little more time, but I should explain. Corvin was scheduled to take an Amtrak train home from school. Amtrak cancelled the train 5 days in advance due to weather. I’m guessing they don’t … Continue reading “Christmas Eve in St. Louis – 12/24/2022”

Grandma’s House – 6/19/2022

We went over to Grandpa Henry and Grandma Carol’s house to hang out for the afternoon. Its wonderful to visit them and see how they are doing. I even managed to sneak a photo of them. Danelle is showing her mom something interesting on her phone. Somehow we all ended up being silly on the … Continue reading “Grandma’s House – 6/19/2022”