Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023

It might be five days late, by the calendar, but its perfect Christmas for us. We met at Henry and Carol’s house for dessert and general company. We’re so physically close, but it feels like we each take it for granted. That has us occasionally getting together. Much of the time is catching up on … Continue reading “Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023”

Michael’s Halloween Bash – 10/28/2023

Michael is a friend from college from honor’s house. He hosted a pre-Halloween bash at his house. We were hoping for better weather to do interesting outdoor things, but the weather didn’t cooperate. We opted for lots of hilarious indoor activities. Being a martial artist, he has a large collection of weapons for sparring. It … Continue reading “Michael’s Halloween Bash – 10/28/2023”

Christmas Eve in St. Louis – 12/24/2022

Nothing like the holidays for pushing you to do the most possible in the least amount of time. Okay, we had a little more time, but I should explain. Corvin was scheduled to take an Amtrak train home from school. Amtrak cancelled the train 5 days in advance due to weather. I’m guessing they don’t … Continue reading “Christmas Eve in St. Louis – 12/24/2022”

Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/6/2022

Grandpa Henry has a birthday every year 🙂 We went over to his house to celebrate with him. With COVID hopefully winding down, we were starting to meet together again.  Its been too long since we’ve shared laughes like this! Mark did his best to climb a tree, but there aren’t many lower branches to … Continue reading “Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/6/2022”