Danforth With Danelle’s Parents – 3/30/2024

We decided to take Danelle’s parents out to the property for the day. First stop was to Duke’s Bakery. We got a photo of them at the sign just outside the bakery. With donuts and fond memories, we headed out to the property. The weather was perfect today. We parked ourselves in chairs and proceeded … Continue reading “Danforth With Danelle’s Parents – 3/30/2024”

Henry Edward Boeckmann Obituary

Henry Edward Boeckmann Obituary Henry Edward Boeckmann, 78, of Kirkwood, Missouri, died on July 7, 2024. Henry was born in St. Louis on March 4, 1946, to Alphonse and Virginia (nee Welch) Boeckmann. Engineer, inventor, craftsman… From the 1960s to the late 1980s, Henry was a career mechanical engineer at several St. Louis area manufacturing … Continue reading “Henry Edward Boeckmann Obituary”

Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/4/2024

I’m in my mid forties and I already don’t care too much for my birthday. Not because I’m getting older, but because I’ve already had enough of them. Okay, really cause I have all the stuff that I want. Online shopping has made it too simple to just order whatever you want and have it … Continue reading “Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/4/2024”

Bowling – 1/15/2024

We were looking for something to do together on a  cold winter day. Our best idea was bowling. To up the ante, we invited Danelle’s parents, Carol and Henry. They had Mark over and we brought them along as well. The whole crew of intrepid bowlers sans myself taking the photo. No worries, my selfie … Continue reading “Bowling – 1/15/2024”

December – 2023

We were thrilled to have Corvin home for winter break. With it being his second year of college and not having Coty around, the time with him was more precious. He didn’t waste any time getting cozy. It also appears the cats missed him too! Henry and Carol got in on the cat love as … Continue reading “December – 2023”

Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023

It might be five days late, by the calendar, but its perfect Christmas for us. We met at Henry and Carol’s house for dessert and general company. We’re so physically close, but it feels like we each take it for granted. That has us occasionally getting together. Much of the time is catching up on … Continue reading “Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023”

Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023

We decided to celebrate Christmas in Kansas City this year. Dad’s house was full, so we elected to stay at Hannah’s house. We came into town Friday evening. We spent some time getting settled and playing with Hannah’s cats. Saturday morning came around and we hung around the house until we went out for an … Continue reading “Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023”

Dad Week – 7/7/2023

Dad had open heart surgery a few weeks ago. After his surgery, he went to residential care where they took care of him around the clock. Once he was cleared from residential care, he was going back home. It just happened that my sisters were both on vacation that same week. Nobody was going to … Continue reading “Dad Week – 7/7/2023”

Mom’s Death – 5/29/2023

I don’t normally post things out of the order, but this is important.. Patricia M. Haake    April 3, 1952 — May 29, 2023 Wednesday, May 24 was mom’s last conscious day on earth. It started off as any other normal day for mom. She was happy and getting things accomplished around the house. Hannah was … Continue reading “Mom’s Death – 5/29/2023”

Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/5/2023

We’ve been wanting to get Danelle’s parents out to Danforth to hang out with us for a while. We used her dad’s birthday and decent weather as an excuse. We started off by taking them to Panera for lunch. They don’t go out much and this has become their favorite place to eat (when we … Continue reading “Grandpa Henry’s Birthday – 3/5/2023”