Helping Melanie – 3/27/2024

If you’re like me, you make close friends in college. Of course we all depart and go our separate ways. When you can, you meet up to see your friends. But the farther away from college you get, the more invested you are in your immediate life. Today, I received a message from Melanie who … Continue reading “Helping Melanie – 3/27/2024”

Corvin’s Spring Break – 6/19/2024

With Corvin in his second year of college, we don’t see much of him anymore. We do our best to have phone calls and send him stuff in the mail, but physically being with him is difficult. Having him seven and a half hours away in Wisconsin makes us sad at times. But its all … Continue reading “Corvin’s Spring Break – 6/19/2024”

Bell Mountain Hike – 3/2/2024

I signed up for a race and needed to train. “Ozark’s Mountain Challenge” is a 7,980’ food ascent challenge. I wanted to be in good shape for this race, so I’ve been hiking things with elevation to get ready. Melissa is signed up and the one that tipped me off to this mess. I called … Continue reading “Bell Mountain Hike – 3/2/2024”

President’s Day Weekend in KC – 2/16/2024

Danelle and Sonora had a 4 day weekend from school and work. I decided to take a day off and have a whole family four day weekend. We tried to think of what we could do beyond just hanging out at the house. I had heard that dad could use some companionship and we decided … Continue reading “President’s Day Weekend in KC – 2/16/2024”

Bowling – 1/15/2024

We were looking for something to do together on a  cold winter day. Our best idea was bowling. To up the ante, we invited Danelle’s parents, Carol and Henry. They had Mark over and we brought them along as well. The whole crew of intrepid bowlers sans myself taking the photo. No worries, my selfie … Continue reading “Bowling – 1/15/2024”

A New Years Tradition – 12/13/2023

We’ve been celebrating New Years with the Neimeyer’s for 24 years! It started as a simple visit to an apartment in Lawrence, KS in 1999. From there to multiple cities in the Midwest until we both settled in St. Louis. Complacency can get the best of anybody and we started mixing it up with trips … Continue reading “A New Years Tradition – 12/13/2023”

Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023

It might be five days late, by the calendar, but its perfect Christmas for us. We met at Henry and Carol’s house for dessert and general company. We’re so physically close, but it feels like we each take it for granted. That has us occasionally getting together. Much of the time is catching up on … Continue reading “Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023”

Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023

We decided to celebrate Christmas in Kansas City this year. Dad’s house was full, so we elected to stay at Hannah’s house. We came into town Friday evening. We spent some time getting settled and playing with Hannah’s cats. Saturday morning came around and we hung around the house until we went out for an … Continue reading “Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023”

Family Photos From The Past – 12/21/2023

After mom died in May of 2023, her children collected all of the printed photos in the house.I had wanted to scan these in the past, but mom was always working on them. For years, I’ve wanted access to them to scan and get them shared with others. Hayden had scanned a few with a … Continue reading “Family Photos From The Past – 12/21/2023”