Nathan’s Concert – 12/20/2023

We were invited to Nathan’s concert. Steve and Jackie have been to several of our kid’s concerts and we were excited to hear Nathan play again. And we had a full crew there to listen as well! Sonora and Danelle sitting with me. And the proud parents, Steve and Jackie. But really the star of … Continue reading “Nathan’s Concert – 12/20/2023”

Kansas City Visit – 12/2/2024

Christmas is coming up and I promised my sister, Hannah, that I would work on some plumbing and electrical issues at her house while I stayed there. I knew the visit would be limited in time, so I thought a scouting visit would be a great idea. Lucky for me, Danelle and Sonora joined me … Continue reading “Kansas City Visit – 12/2/2024”

Michael’s Halloween Bash – 10/28/2023

Michael is a friend from college from honor’s house. He hosted a pre-Halloween bash at his house. We were hoping for better weather to do interesting outdoor things, but the weather didn’t cooperate. We opted for lots of hilarious indoor activities. Being a martial artist, he has a large collection of weapons for sparring. It … Continue reading “Michael’s Halloween Bash – 10/28/2023”

Danforth Fire – 10/20/2023

Going up to Danforth is usually a decent amount of work. But we reward ourselves with big fires from all of the work we accomplish. Today, we had some interesting fire. First off, it was bigger than normal. Sonora enjoyed helping out using the leaf blower to make the flames bigger! Danelle watched on wondering … Continue reading “Danforth Fire – 10/20/2023”