Henry Boeckmann’s Funeral – 7/16/2024

I had previously posted the obituary of my father in law Henry Boeckmann. Today was his funeral. Brian and Kelly getting ready. A small sample of his art and some of his history. It was a somber day, so I didn’t get many photos. We saw a ton of people from his life come in … Continue reading “Henry Boeckmann’s Funeral – 7/16/2024”

Nathan’s Concert – 12/20/2023

We were invited to Nathan’s concert. Steve and Jackie have been to several of our kid’s concerts and we were excited to hear Nathan play again. And we had a full crew there to listen as well! Sonora and Danelle sitting with me. And the proud parents, Steve and Jackie. But really the star of … Continue reading “Nathan’s Concert – 12/20/2023”