December – 2023

We were thrilled to have Corvin home for winter break. With it being his second year of college and not having Coty around, the time with him was more precious. He didn’t waste any time getting cozy. It also appears the cats missed him too! Henry and Carol got in on the cat love as … Continue reading “December – 2023”

A New Years Tradition – 12/13/2023

We’ve been celebrating New Years with the Neimeyer’s for 24 years! It started as a simple visit to an apartment in Lawrence, KS in 1999. From there to multiple cities in the Midwest until we both settled in St. Louis. Complacency can get the best of anybody and we started mixing it up with trips … Continue reading “A New Years Tradition – 12/13/2023”

Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023

It might be five days late, by the calendar, but its perfect Christmas for us. We met at Henry and Carol’s house for dessert and general company. We’re so physically close, but it feels like we each take it for granted. That has us occasionally getting together. Much of the time is catching up on … Continue reading “Christmas in St. Louis – 12/30/2023”

Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023

We decided to celebrate Christmas in Kansas City this year. Dad’s house was full, so we elected to stay at Hannah’s house. We came into town Friday evening. We spent some time getting settled and playing with Hannah’s cats. Saturday morning came around and we hung around the house until we went out for an … Continue reading “Christmas in KC – 12/22/2023”

Nathan’s Concert – 12/20/2023

We were invited to Nathan’s concert. Steve and Jackie have been to several of our kid’s concerts and we were excited to hear Nathan play again. And we had a full crew there to listen as well! Sonora and Danelle sitting with me. And the proud parents, Steve and Jackie. But really the star of … Continue reading “Nathan’s Concert – 12/20/2023”

Kansas City Visit – 12/2/2024

Christmas is coming up and I promised my sister, Hannah, that I would work on some plumbing and electrical issues at her house while I stayed there. I knew the visit would be limited in time, so I thought a scouting visit would be a great idea. Lucky for me, Danelle and Sonora joined me … Continue reading “Kansas City Visit – 12/2/2024”

Danforth Fire – 10/20/2023

Going up to Danforth is usually a decent amount of work. But we reward ourselves with big fires from all of the work we accomplish. Today, we had some interesting fire. First off, it was bigger than normal. Sonora enjoyed helping out using the leaf blower to make the flames bigger! Danelle watched on wondering … Continue reading “Danforth Fire – 10/20/2023”