Bell Mountain Hike – 3/2/2024

I signed up for a race and needed to train. “Ozark’s Mountain Challenge” is a 7,980’ food ascent challenge. I wanted to be in good shape for this race, so I’ve been hiking things with elevation to get ready. Melissa is signed up and the one that tipped me off to this mess. I called … Continue reading “Bell Mountain Hike – 3/2/2024”

Work From Shed – 2/27/2024

If you haven’t figured out from the other posts yet, we’re building a house. One of our concerns when we started building the house was doing our best the be there for questions and to document the build. We’re very fortunate in our careers that we have some flexibility for that. Actually, I have a … Continue reading “Work From Shed – 2/27/2024”

President’s Day Weekend in KC – 2/16/2024

Danelle and Sonora had a 4 day weekend from school and work. I decided to take a day off and have a whole family four day weekend. We tried to think of what we could do beyond just hanging out at the house. I had heard that dad could use some companionship and we decided … Continue reading “President’s Day Weekend in KC – 2/16/2024”

Cleared Orchard and Gravel – 2/13/2024

I came out to work from the shed today. When I arrived, I found that the excavation company brought the backhoe to the orchard and pulled out the remaining large trees. While it saved a lot of work, it wasn’t exactly what I thought I communicated for them to do. Most of the debris was … Continue reading “Cleared Orchard and Gravel – 2/13/2024”

Prom Dress Shopping – 2/10/2024

We’ve been driving past Frew’s Bridal shop in Alton for over a year now. Sonora always looks longingly at the dresses in the window as we pass by. Today on our way through Alton, she had us stop and look for prom dresses. Being a decent drive from our house, she was hoping for a … Continue reading “Prom Dress Shopping – 2/10/2024”

Hole In The Ground – 2/8/2024

It feels like we’ve been waiting forever, but construction feels like its finally started. We’ve owned the land for a while and they finally put a big hole in it! By that, I mean digging the foundation. Is it perfect, sadly no. They found non-virgin soil in part of the dig. This means that they … Continue reading “Hole In The Ground – 2/8/2024”

Scholarship Interview – 1/27/2024

It was a cold rainy Saturday, but our spirits were high. Danelle, Sonora, and I were driving to Missouri State University. Sonora had earned an invitation for the final interview for the Presidential Scholarship. We had nervous excitement as we had done all the preparation that we could. Now it was up to Sonora do … Continue reading “Scholarship Interview – 1/27/2024”