Journey to Argentina, Day 20 – 1/11/2025

It’s super early in the morning and I’m sleeping on and off. I took a few random walks with Corvin and Danelle getting steps in. I slept in my chair. Then things got weirder. First, the Lima airport has no water fountains. If you want water, get out your wallet. Second, they started setting up … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 20 – 1/11/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 19 – 1/10/2025

Our final day in Argentina! We got slow start since the kids stayed up late last night. Danelle and I took an early morning walk. (There might be a pattern developing here!) We went to Vinnie’s to get super cheap breakfast plus coffee. The first Vinnie’s didn’t have their coffee machine working so we found … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 19 – 1/10/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 18 – 1/9/2025

Another morning walk with Danelle. Nothing super duper exciting to report. We wandered by the local medical school. Oh, and one strange thing. We purchased some candy at a large grocery store. When we went to check out, the lady said something in rapid fire Spanish, then took two pieces of candy away. Danelle thought … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 18 – 1/9/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 17 – 1/8/2025

Our time in Argentina was coming to an end quickly, and many of us were tired after two and a half weeks away. It was decided that today would be a rest day (aka, laundry day). That meant a lot of pacing for me around the place. I have energy to spare and I wasn’t … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 17 – 1/8/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 16 – 1/7/2025

Danelle and I went out for an “early” morning walk to pick up breakfast. We came back with bread, jelly, butter, and the worst donuts I’ve ever experienced. After our walk, we went back to relax with the kids for a bit until setting off around 11 for today’s activity. The first stop was lunch … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 16 – 1/7/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 15 – 1/6/2025

This morning we walked to the city’s Japanese Garden. Bordered in the city by tall buildings, and short of space, the garden made the most of the space available. The plants were lovely in summer mode and the water features fun. There was lots of stopping for photos. Danelle even viewed some read headed bird … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 15 – 1/6/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 14 – 1/5/2025

Moving day. Controlled chaos to me. I wasn’t in charge, so I just had to follow along. Danelle had the lead as she has made all of the arrangements to date. Our check out time was 10am and our early check in at the other location about 15 minutes away was set at 10:30. I … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 14 – 1/5/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 13 – 1/4/2025

Today’s plan was an early morning walk for Danelle and I to the nearby ecological reserve. Coty wanted to be woken up early to meet a friend for breakfast. Then Corvin and Sonora would sleep in and meet up with us later. I woke Coty up as requested and Danelle and I were out the … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 13 – 1/4/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 12 – 1/3/2025

Danelle and I planned to get up and leave by 8am to get breakfast. We were slow and didn’t get moving till almost 9am. We went by a sit down breakfast place but changed our minds. We circled back around to a bakery that looked interesting during our walk to the first place. One of … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 12 – 1/3/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 11 – 1/2/2025

Around 4:30 this morning, Danelle and I both were awake and things were starting to come into focus. Did we hear water dripping? Yes, we did 🙁 It turns out the mini-split AC in our room was dripping water on our luggage. First order of business was to move the luggage and see how wet … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 11 – 1/2/2025”