Journey to Argentina, Day 17 – 1/8/2025

Our time in Argentina was coming to an end quickly, and many of us were tired after two and a half weeks away. It was decided that today would be a rest day (aka, laundry day). That meant a lot of pacing for me around the place. I have energy to spare and I wasn’t looking forward to sitting around all morning. Danelle and I started with a morning walk to a local empanada place that had cheap breakfast of coffee and either 2 churros or 2 medilunas (croissants with sugar on them) for less than $2.50. I drank most of the coffee, but Danelle did help me.

We got back and messed around doing mostly nothing again. Then Danelle, Corvin, and I went on another walk. This one nearly 4 miles going into the Palmero neighborhood. There is cool graffiti in this area. I tried to walk slow and take it all in. As we walked, Danelle thought she saw a woman carrying a kitten in a box. The woman overheard her mention it to us, and stopped for us to see. She asked if we had any suggestions for names. Corvin suggested Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings), because the cat was mostly gray, but had a white belly, so Gandalf the Gray and Gandalf the White. She seemed to like the idea.

A little more than half way through, we stopped for a “mid strength beer”. The sign said 2 X 1 for the special. We thought this meant buy two, get one. Perfect for the three of us. Unfortunately, it was artisanal beer. I’m not a micro brew kind of guy and this was that. Just a little too much “beer” for me. That meant that Danelle basically drank her beer and most of mine. Corvin drank most of his with a small boost from Danelle. As we got ready to leave, we were informed it was actually two for the price of one. Since we had paid for two, we had a fourth beer waiting for us for free, so we took it in a to-go cup. Based on the prices of the beer, I would have preferred that we just purchased a drink we each wanted instead. But here we are.

Now we’re walking down the street while Danelle is drinking a to-go beer. When we came across a shop called “Your Mom,” Danelle obliged us with a photo which made us all laugh. In the early afternoon, Coty and Corvin went bouldering at a nearby gym while the rest of us were at the place hanging out. Eventually Sonora, Danelle, and I went for a walk. We found a place for dinner. We arrived around 8:50 then found out Corvin and Coty wanted to join us. They showed up around 9:15. We finally ordered food around 9:45 and received food near 10:15. This was one of our bottom meals we’ve had. Crazy slow service and just okay food. We walked back home to get our step goals.

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