Journey to Argentina, Day 11 – 1/2/2025

Around 4:30 this morning, Danelle and I both were awake and things were starting to come into focus. Did we hear water dripping? Yes, we did 🙁 It turns out the mini-split AC in our room was dripping water on our luggage. First order of business was to move the luggage and see how wet … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 11 – 1/2/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 10 – 1/1/2025

HAPPY NEW YEAR. Most people would say that for the day before, but here we are. I wasn’t feeling great in the morning again. I turned off the fan and then got up to drink coffee and try to warm up. I paced outside for about 45 minutes before Danelle woke up and came to … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 10 – 1/1/2025”

Journey to Argentina, Day 9 – 12/31/2024

Holy cow, its New Year’s Eve! We got up super late this morning. Corvin, Danelle, and I went into town to attempt to exchange USD. I say attempt because after tries at two different Western Union locations, we gave up. That didn’t stop us from stopping at a pharmacy for some over the counter cough … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 9 – 12/31/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 8 – 12/30/2024

Our family plus Coty took off in the rental car to try and get to the cathedral this morning. We left around 11 knowing it closed at noon. We didn’t expect the traffic of San Juan’s city and drove around a long time before we could find a parking spot. It was nerve wracking for … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 8 – 12/30/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 7 – 12/29/2024

The kids got home around 5am from the overnight party. Around 9:50am, Danelle and I decided we would go into town and take a walk. Corvin had woken up and asked to join us, so the three of us headed to central San Juan near the cathedral to walk. Sonora stayed back to rest in … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 7 – 12/29/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 6 – 12/28/2024

This morning started with sleeping in. We wanted to leave for a bodega (winery) by 10:30am. Danelle and I were up a little after 8am. We got ready and enjoyed the morning, getting Sonora up at 9am so she could shower. But we were all ready and only left a few minutes late. We went … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 6 – 12/28/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 5 – 12/27/2024

My day started at 5:45 worrying if I would miss my alarm. I got up and made coffee, cleaned up, and wrote about our trip. Then 7:45 came and we met Coty’s family. We were on the road by 8am. Its interesting and extremely helpful to follow somebody who kows where they are going and … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 5 – 12/27/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 4 – 12/26/2024

Do Argentine people ever sleep? We started off the morning with a quick breakfast at our place with supplies provided the night before. We had a bit of a slow start, but met Coty and family before setting out around 10 am. Coty took us to the center of San Juan to visit some cultural … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 4 – 12/26/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 3 – 12/25/2024

Christmas Day and the alarm goes off at 5:56am. Today, we have another plane to catch. The plan was to meet the kids in the kitchen area of the hotel at 6:40am. We were down by 6:30 waiting for Corvin and Sonora. Corvin arrived at 6:41 without Sonora. He started eating breakfast and Sonora was … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 3 – 12/25/2024”

Journey to Argentina, Day 2 – 12/24/2024

What can I tell you about a 10 hour flight? It was freaking long. I watched a whole movie and still had time to play games and get horrible sleep in my nearly upright seat. We were in the very back again. The flight attendants had lights in their work area and used the 3 … Continue reading “Journey to Argentina, Day 2 – 12/24/2024”