Sonora has been gone to college for two weeks, but came home for a 3 day weekend to be with us. We missed her and were happy to have her back in the house if even just for a short weekend. She wanted to visit some of her friends while she was home. Eva came up and like always, they did silly stuff.
Sonora also brought home her Nintendo Wii. It was having issues with the CD drive. She had watched some videos on troubleshooting and she didn’t waste any time doing her best to figure it out.
She asked me for some minor help on stuff she was less comfortable with. I followed her directions. We ended up removing some of the casing plastic and metal. This allowed her to close up the Wii but still have access to a mechanical piece that occasionally got stuck. Then she could move it with her finger and the CDs would load correctly. I’m proud of her troubleshooting and happy I could be part of her solution.
We also went out to Emmenegger Nature Park to take a hike. We did this often when they were younger.
Before too long, it was time for her to go back to school.
Hogan Haake