River des Peres Trash Bash – 10/22/2016

We participated in the annual River des Peres Trash Bash this year. I was a surprise site leader being asked at the last second to lead one. I had never been to the location before, but winged it quite well. While Sonora and I worked a specific site, Danelle and Corvin went around taking random … Continue reading “River des Peres Trash Bash – 10/22/2016”

River Des Peres Trash Bash – 10/24/2015

This year for the annual River Des Peres Trash Bash, I decided to be a site leader. As a entry level leader, I took a smaller easier role, but made a difference. I was responsible for an area and lead a group of college volunteers from Iowa around to get the trash picked.  One of … Continue reading “River Des Peres Trash Bash – 10/24/2015”

River Des Peres Cleanup – 10/18/2014

We participated in the annual River Des Peres cleanup. I think it has a cooler name, but Danelle isn’t here to ask. We got there early to help setup. Corvin was creative with the sign. Once the event got going and people showed up, we ended splitting up into three groups. Danelle stayed around the … Continue reading “River Des Peres Cleanup – 10/18/2014”