June – 2015

Danelle went to her 20 year high school reunion this month and found a photo of herself. I did some serious unicycling including getting a water bottle installed. My parents came for a visit. And I gave up on my BBQ grill, or did it give up on me? Hogan Haake

Kimmswick Sand Bagging – 6/27/2015

The town of Kimmswick, Missouri is a river town south of St. Louis on the Mississippi river. We went down there once to have lunch with the browns at the Blue Owl restaurant. The kids remember going there and are quite fond of it. We heard on the news that the flooding of the Mississippi … Continue reading “Kimmswick Sand Bagging – 6/27/2015”

JoJo’s Pool – 6/25/2015

We went over to JoJo’s to swim in the pool. The weather didn’t look promising, but we went anyway. A small amount of swimming was completed before the lightning got everybody out of the pool. One of her friends with her two kids came over and the kids had somebody to play with.  We were … Continue reading “JoJo’s Pool – 6/25/2015”

Avery Spotlight Singers at Cardinals Game – 5/6/2015

Corvin got to sing at the St. Louis Cardinals game for the 7th inning stretch. This was his last time since he won’t be Avery after this year. We couldn’t get in focus photos, but he had a great time. Sonora and Andrew hung out a bunch. And we brought Danelle’s dad Henry with us! … Continue reading “Avery Spotlight Singers at Cardinals Game – 5/6/2015”