Every summer we all look forward to the annual trek to Meramec State Park near Sullivan, Missouri, for the Stream Team Picnic. The weather is often nasty hot, but there are plenty of opportunities to go for a swim or float on a tube in the Meramec River and there is lots of shade at the picnic grounds. The picnic also features a great potluck (get stuffed like it’s Thanksgiving!), awards for volunteers who have gone above and beyond, games and crafts for the kiddos, and the biggest raffle I’ve ever seen.

This year, Stream Teams United helped lead the event, so that means that the Haake family helped out more than in past years. Our garage was the home for the raffle collection and much of the food before the event. The assembly of the raffle packages was a fun afternoon! Hogan was one of the grill masters, with help from Sonora. And the whole family helped out with random tasks during the picnic, like blowing up the inner tubes for the float, setting up the kids games, and handing out T-shirts.
We’ll be back again next year, helping Stream Teams United to continue the decades-long tradition of the Stream Team Picnic. Maybe we’ll see you there!