Our last state of our northeast adventure. We’re excited to ride! We’re in Albany, NY riding along the Hudson river. When we finish, we’ll tour the USS Slater destroyer escort right as the museum opens. But first, its time to ride!
Okay, you found me out, sometimes we walk. By 8 states into a trip, we’re a bit sore and riding gets more difficult. We didn’t walk that much, but its important to see all aspects of the trip. The path lead along the river. In the urban part it was stuck between the interstate and the river. It isn’t a path that either of us would feel the need to go back for, but it was just what we needed for the trip. Later when the video comes out, you can see Corvin riding his unicycle on a floating dock. He nearly dropped it into the river. He wasn’t too worried as it was our last state, but these are not cheap!
The boat/museum is at the end of the path and we couldn’t resist a photo with it even knowing we would be driving back very soon for a tour.
Speaking of a tour, Corvin enjoyed sitting and trying out the working turret.
We stayed till just past noon and started on our way. I wanted to share Watkins Glen with Corvin so we headed there. We hiked all the trails we dared and loved every second of it. On the way home, I saw a sign for my daughter and got out to look for her!
Corvin’s Journal Entry
Our Strava Entry.
Our map of completed states.
Total Trip Miles: 255.55
Total Moving Time: 49h 51m
Total Elevation Gained: 6861 feet
Total Hogan UPD: 19
Total Corvin UPD: 9
Hogan Haake