I was invited to Herman’s birthday weekend camp out. I try to stay in touch with family and this was a perfect opportunity to see Herman and Henry. Just a few days before I left, I learned that there would be inclement weather that weekend and the camp out was cancelled. Instead we would meet at his buddy Grant’s house for most of Saturday. I starting driving from St. Louis early Saturday morning and met at Herman’s house. From there, we made a short pit stop at the store for a few supplies. I waited in the car with Easton (Herman’s son that is a toddler). I heard a noise and looked back in time to see Easton puke all over himself in the car seat. I did my best to comfort him while calling Herman to purchase some paper towels and come out quickly to help.
Herman didn’t want to get anybody sick, so he and Easton stayed at home while Henry, Raylan, and I went to Grant’s house. Grant is close friends with both of my brothers and a prolific camper. He created a cool YouTube channel about his camping. I didn’t know much of this before I met Grant today.
I spent way too much of the day playing with Max, Grant’s toddler. Henry and I went out in the woods killing bad guys with him and being generally silly.
As the day wore on and others left, we called Herman and it was decided Easton and Herman could come over as Easton wasn’t running a fever. More hilarity ensued with Henry and I feeding off each other for the kids!
Herman eating a delicious deer burger.
It turned out to be a great thing that we didn’t camp. Around midnight back at Herman’s place, the tornado sirens went off. The spotted funnel cloud was very close to Herman’s house. We hoped into the cars and mad a mad dash for the police station. With Herman being an officer, he had keys to the place and it had a basement. Fortunately for us and the whole community, there wasn’t a touchdown of a tornado that night. It was a very eventful end to an amazing day. Sunday was a lazy day back and I feel closer to my brothers, what could be better?
Hogan Haake