Corvin and Sonora were playing in the Symphonic Orchestra tonight. Danelle and I went out to see them play.
Corvin is the standing bass player on the left.
Sonora plays in the front, therefore its much easier to zoom in on her.
The kids played a lovely concert that you can watch below if you’re interested. Also of note this evening is that Danelle invited her brother and family. The three of them came out to hear the concert. We caught up after the performance, not knowing that they made it out. It turns out that they had not had dinner yet. I recommended a place for Brian and Kelly to eat, while Mark came home to play with us. We baked an oven pizza which was gourmet as far as Mark was concerned. Afterwards, we played silly games.
One of my favorite games to play with kids is hide and seek. I find it best to start off doing something ridiculous like hiding in plain sight. Mark quickly caught on to what I was doing and pretended not to find me for some time. See if you can find me from the picture below.
Mark got in the game too hiding in plain sight and we took turns not finding him. It was a fabulous night and everybody got exactly what they needed out of it!
Hogan Haake