Sushi – 7/3/2018

On the drive back from a visit to KC where we dropped off Sonora to hang out with her cousins for a few weeks, Danelle had a serious discussion with me about cats. We got Coat Rack less than a year ago after Tiko died. Petra wasn’t a huge fan of of Coat Rack as he wanted to play and she didn’t. Having one very old and one young cat isn’t good. So she decided we would look into a third cat knowing that Petra wasn’t long for the world (17 years old).


We searched the Internet looking for a Maine Coon as we enjoy them. None were to be found online. Danelle and Corvin went to Felines Forever where we got Coat Rack, but didn’t like the cats they had. On Tuesday, they went to the APA to look at cats. I told them I would join them after work. By the time I got there, they had looked at several cats and just couldn’t decide if any of them were right.

I asked to look at a few more just to see what happened. The one I picked out the lady missed, but brought us another one. This cat was the one we decided would work for us. She had her front claws, but didn’t feel the need to get them out when dealing with us. That was the thing that sold me!

In order to get her adjusted to the house, we locked her in Sonora’s room. The hope was that she would grow accustomed to Sonora and be her cat. When I say locked, of course I mean when we were not home. Many hours were spent in the room with her getting to know her.

The last mess with this new cat was the name. She came with Salsa, but we didn’t like it. We had to wait for Sonora to name her, so she went nameless for about 2 weeks.Eventually Sonora ended up naming her Sushi. It all works out and we have two young happy cats that like to play together!

Hogan Haake