Sometimes you just have to get away! Everybody in the family has been getting out during quarantine for safe socially distanced activities except for Sonora. I decided to change that and take her out for some fun! We started by heading out to the confluence area. There is a large sunflower patch there and I though she would enjoy being among the large sunflowers.
When we got to the sunflower patch, we got an interesting surprise. There was standing water blocking the way. We both took off our shoes and socks and smashed mud between our toes to get there!
Lots of people brave the unknown muddy waters to get a look!
Yeah, Sunflowers are HUGE!
The season for them is almost over, but we managed to get a few that were still looking great!
I love the light shining on Sonora’s face. She is this happy!
I wasn’t done surprising Sonora. I took her on 2 ferries! And we explored while waiting for the ride across the river.
It was hard to get this shot as it was getting dark and most of the photos turned out very dark.
We’re never ones to be too serious!
I even managed to find some mud for the 4wd system to work through. This made Sonora laugh!
I consider this a perfect dad/daughter day!
Hogan Haake