I paddle through the summer at Creve Coeur Lake on a Tuesday night 5K paddle race. The group is very friendly and active paddling around the St. Louis Missouri area. Today they wanted to paddle on a back channel of the Mississippi River. Its about an hour drive from my home and it was somewhere new to paddle.We were starting at Dalbow Boat Ramp.We offered to bring our 4 person Aluminum canoe and Scott and Dot decided to join us.
The loop was approximately 9 miles of paddling and it took us 4 hours due to our 2 long stops to soak in the river and socialize.
Here are Scott and Dot in the front.
At one of the stops to swim, there was a current coming across a sand bar. Because the water was coming slowly across the sand bar, it was warming fast with the sun. I blocked the flow and created a natural hot tub to hang out in. Danelle didn’t waste any time getting into the warm water.
Here is what is looks like when your racing friends land their fast boats on the shore to hang out.
We’ll be back to paddle this loop again. Its quiet and beautiful. Plus soaking in the river is quite nice! Thanks to my paddling friends for showing another wonderful place to paddle!
Hogan Haake