We’re training for the South Dakota Kayak Challenge and taking Megan Pagliaro who we talked into the race. Megan is new to paddling and racing, but we knew that she was going to be good company. To the mission today was to get her out on the water and get her more comfortable with the boat.
Danelle and I have the two boats ready for the trip. Now we wait.
There is Megan in the front of the boat. It may not look like she is doing much, but this turned out to be fantastic. During the SDKC race, she took lots of photos that we all enjoy looking at 🙂 OK, and she does paddle fine as well.
Here I am in the 10 foot plastic follow boat. Always happy to be on the water.
Once they get moving, its hard to keep up.
And if you’re still reading and really bored, here is a video of the paddle at high speed!
Hogan Haake