Bad Haircuts – 5/21/2017

I let myself get talked into a bad haircut again. I didn’t loose a bet, I just wanted a colored mohawk to celebrate summer and the upcoming South Dakota Kayak Challenge. It started off with Sonora pretending to be a cat, and then a turtle…

We tried adding hair to Corvin’s chest to make a man out of him šŸ™‚

Corvin decided to get his hair cut first. He eagerly took his shirt off and received a chopping from Danelle.

Eventually, it was my turn and Danelle decided to have fun with me. We went through several bad styles before landing on the last bad one.

An attempt at a traditional bowl cut.

The final bad cut…
Styled it was a bit better.


Eventually we got some color and it looked better…

Somehow we missed the family shot of the 4 of us with colored hair this time. Maybe next time I”ll pay for the bad haircut and then dye it myself!

Hogan Haake