The family went over to Steve and Jackie’s house to visit. Honestly, I just wanted baby time. So I quickly took Nathan and held him as much as I could.
Of course no trip anywhere could be complete without Corvin or myself doing something crazy. Use the photo below to set the scene…
In the basement of the house, Corvin and Sonora are sitting nicely and getting along. Corvin has the Nintendo DS, so he is happy. They are pleasantly taking turns, so I’m a happy parent. Corvin inquires “Steve, does Jackie have a DS?”. Steve responds “Yes she does, its somewhere upstairs. Not wanting the kids to mess up somebody else’s DS (cause they can be rough on them), I said, “Corvin, you can’t have it cause its in Jackie’s underwear drawer.” Without missing a beat, Corvin responded “I want to stick my face in there!”.
This caused much laughter and I like telling the story. I’m not sure where he got the idea, but its funny. Crazy kids!