Welcome to the 2019 Webster Groves Pops Concert. Dad was able to come in town to see the concert before making a quick exit the next day.
Corvin on the bass, back row third from right.
Sonora on violin, back row second chair.
What concert would be complete without ice cream or McDonald’s for those not willing to wait in line!
Hogan Haake
Hogan!!!! Just read your story. Good read brother. Albert and I. (The guys who guided everyone through the log jam) were hoping to see you and Terica again this year on the race. We have talked about the heart of those Missourians on the race a few times. You guys we’re out favorite competition last year. Are you enrolled? I hope so. We will be there. If y’all are gonna do it again hollar at man. Tell T we said YO!
Joe, great to hear from you. I don’t have any immediate plans to do the TWS again. Will do the MR340 next year and just finished the South Dakota Kayak Challenge last weekend. I’m currently starting a unicycling challenge with my son that will take most of my free time. Check out https://snorkie.com/category/48-wheels/ to see what its all about! Have fun racing this year and be safe!