Living Lands And Waters Barge – 8/29/2024

Danelle went to a Mississippi River Water Trail Association meeting on the educational barge belonging to Living Lands and Waters. These two groups are true powerhouses in education and stewardship of the Mississippi River! The barge was parked just downstream of the Mel Price Lock and Dam in Alton. One highlight of the event was … Continue reading “Living Lands And Waters Barge – 8/29/2024”

Mississippi River Trail – 12/10/2016

I’ve been wanting to travel on the Mississippi Riverfront Trail for some time now. It starts in downtown St. Louis just north of the Gateway Arch on Lenore K Sullivan drive. The trail follows the Mississippi river on the west side nearly 12 miles to the Chain of Rocks bridge. The path is in red … Continue reading “Mississippi River Trail – 12/10/2016”