Hannah is near the end of her stay for this visit. Danelle was busy with a prior commitment, so I thought I would take her and the kids out for an adventure. We started the day at the Melvin Price Lock and Dam and the associated National Great Rivers Museum. We were hoping to get a full tour of the Dam.
We got started on the tour, but found out we couldn’t go out across the dam like I’ve done before due to a high security level. We did get to walk out closer to look at it.
The white and black bags are sand bags as there was a recent threat of flooding.
We didn’t stay as long as we wanted to due to the shortened tour, so we headed down the river road. We made a few pit stops along the way including stopping at the site of the old lock and dam. Then we back tracked hoping to go to the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Again our luck was low as the roads were closed due to flooding issues. We did get to see a turtle in the road if that counts…
Hogan Haake