Jake and I had not met up in quite a while. We decided to meet early morning and go on a hike. Its always fun to hike with long time friends as there is always plenty to talk about. We started out on the White Bison Trail that goes around the park. During the hike we saw several deer that Jake wished he saw during hunting season.
About half way through the hike, we saw a female elk standing there. It was far enough away, we were not concerned. However, as we came around a nearby building, we saw her male counterpart very close. The trail went between the pair. We waited for a couple minutes, but they didn’t move and we didn’t want to get in their way, so we hiked back the way we came.
Back at the parking lot, there was a group of elk between the truck and us. They watched us for a while before Jake slowly went around and got in so we could leave them in peace.
What a great way to catch up with a friend and enjoy a morning! During the hike I used my new Zippo pocket hand warmer. It was very good at keeping me warm and I was glad that I had it!
Hogan Haake