I was going to KC to pick up Sonora after a week with her cousins. I got the bright idea to leave early and ride on the Katy Trail in Boonville, MO. So I jumped out of work early and packed up getting on the road quickly. I was in Boonville before I knew it and crossed north over the Missouri river to a trail head. I went east towards Rocheport, MO hoping to reach the town.
I did see some fantastic sights along the way. I turned around after the 8 mile mark and came all the way back and then some more to go over the Missouri river.
I ended up riding about 18 miles on a perfect evening. On the remaining drive to KC, I told my dad I was coming in so they would expect me. Then in the morning, I went out to the campsite and picked Sonora up. It was a very quick out and back, but worth it to spend that one on one time with Sonora in the car.
Hogan Haake