Another winter month completed. One of the things that l like to do in winter months is run a pot of water on the stove to keep the house humidified. I decided it was time to purchase a kettle just for this purpose. After bringing it home and boiling water in it for a few hours, Danelle and I were quite annoyed with it. The whistling of the water starting to boil was just a bit too much. So I decided to complete a slight modification. Will the drill in hand, I bored out the hole, preventing it from whistling again!
I find it amazing how “free” stuff ends up costing money. I helped my neighbor move a TV from a friend’s house to his basement. While we were at his friend’s house, they said that they just needed to get rid of a pair of speakers and they would be happy. I couldn’t pass this up and ended up with some nice 10″ Cerwin Vega speakers for the garage. This meant that I had to purchase a receiver and speaker wire to make it work. Now the garage is very loud!
I went to Springfield for the last on-campus session of my Master’s degree at Missouri State University. While there, they took us to dinner at a cool place, Nona’s near the square in Springfield. The seats overlooked the kitchen and made for a cool atmosphere.