May 2013

Some random events from the month. I took my first On-Call call for work. Went outside and drank a beer with Ryan while working on it. Probably not supposed to drink while working…   Sonora has a new skill! The upgraded garden is planted Preparing for a summer BBQ! Album Hogan Haake

Pool Time – 4/16/2013

My current employer has a pool table in their 12th floor break room. It has a fantastic view overlooking the Mississippi River. Today, I played my first game of pool after 6 months of employment there. The game was against Ryan and I won. Hogan Haake

Sugar Maple Festival – 2/2/2013

I received an unsolicited email from my father about a sugar maple festival not to far from my house. Following the link, I found that it was for the previous year. However, some persistent web searching showed that it was the first weekend in February this year. This sounded like the perfect type of outdoor … Continue reading “Sugar Maple Festival – 2/2/2013”